We should never forget that fiction and art, in general, is quite the peculiar thing as we all as the viewer at our own discretion. Everyone looks at art differently with a different lense opinions and feelings. This lense-
is build by the building blocks of your own identity your own perception of everything that is in existence and your opinions of it are based on the years of experiencing a multitude of different things. thus everyones opinions and view lenses wil be different,
some wil not question the perhaps negative elements of a piece of art and how it communicates because that is simply not for them and i would say that is completely fair you shouldn't force yourself to do stuff you wouldn't want to do. Just enjoy yourself right.
and some wil look at something with a more critical eye or wil deconstruct what they liked and disliked about something from the multiple elements this art has. I personally take enjoyment of watching something and then completely deconstructing what I just watched.
I think I wouldnt even be stil watching or experiencing media if i didn't at one point think about looking at media more critically hell id probably would have given up on art in general as at one point in my viewing experience just watching didn't do it anymore for me-
as i mentioned earlier i love deconstructing of what makes something good to me and what makes something bad to me. of course, what i deem good and bad is all up to my eye as the viewer the perceiver of this art piece. as whatever I found bad others my have not even noticed.
Me of course seeing bads and goods in this work of art does not necessarily mean that i am at a higher ground then the other person who can only simply enjoy the ride or be bored of it. Since both are perceptions of art and our perception has been built up by living and existing.
to close these thoughts let me say this don't think you're inferior to somebody who analyses art. As you have your own fascinating perception of art itself which is truly wonderful it perplexes and amazes me how we the viewers can all go away from something with-
completely different insights from eachother and we all had our own individualistic experience. which is to art special. it gives us the chance to truly have something special and that is not the art that is the perception we had from it. that is truly the soul of art-
tis not what the art is it is what we the individual think art is. So NEVER think that somebody who analyses and breaks down art or stories has a higher ground above you as the value of all of our opinions are at itself worthless.
and don't think that somebody who deconstructs art is trying to put himself above the rest. all he is simply doing is his own type of perception of this artwork.

thanks for reading scrambled thoughts
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