I am reading some of the debate around ‘Entrepreneurial Journalism’ from 2010-2016 and OMG are people always mad about change.
There is a great discussion to be had about ethics/norms but arguments like "most entreprenurial projects fail so teaching it sets up false hope” is aMAZIng.
Also, it is not a “perceived crisis in online journalism” that drives entreprenurial/product thinking - it is is an actual crisis in the legacy subsidies that supported all journalism.
There is a ton of that sort of minimizing of the issue, which leads to a discounting of possible solutions - even in more recent discussions.
The editorial/business wall was there only by the strength of the financial subsidy.

Who gets to rebuild the wall and on what terms is the question. Do you want it to be a) Biz school grads or b) Journalists

If b) Journalists need some biz/product/innovation skills to do it.
From a 2015 study of newsroom innovation: journalists favor change if it does not really change anything. And they resist poorly communicated changes. So…that about covers it. (Making Change:
Diffusion of Technological, Relational, and Cultural Innovation in the Newsroom)
The above is from:

Ekdale, B., Singer, J. B., Tully, M., & Harmsen, S. (2015). Making Change: Diffusion of Technological, Relational and Cultural Innovation in the Newsroom. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 92.
Another good one from @JaneBSinger from 2018: https://j.mp/2KexuLT 
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