Let’s talk about titles & honorific.

For me, I’m happy to be just “Ellie” with colleagues & students, BUT with strangers, being interviewed, or being consulted by people seeking my expertise, I want them to acknowledge that expertise. “Ellie” is too casual; “Dr” is respectful.
On the other hand, I do feel a bit uncomfortable being addressed as “Dr Murray”.

I’ve thought a lot about why that is, and I realized its because “Dr Murray” obscures that aspect of me which is often the least respected, especially in professional settings—my femininity.
“Dr Ellie” is my fave. To me it says I deserve respect, but not *in spite of* being a woman who’s a bit silly & likes shiny sparkly “childish” things. It says I deserve respect *because* I’m both that woman AND an expert!

And if I can be both, then so can other girls & women.
You can follow @EpiEllie.
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