⚠ WARNING: Don't read if you're woke, hypersensitive, suffer from the Collective Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome proposed by Gad Saad, advocate of Political Correctness or hurt by non-adherents, believe social science or political science is science.
Alpha males are needed in societies. No society ever survived without its alphas. Alphas live by a set of strict values and will die defending those values. They are men of honour who value society & family.
In addition to their set of values, alpha males are loyalists & will die protecting their families, or defending their societies. They're the first to volunteer in times of war or crises. They aren't cassanovas. Another thing of value to them is their word, which is their bond.
They keep the G Code. They won't bring another down just for their own good. But if you mess up with their values (family, society) you'll pay dearly. They value friendship and will defend their friends even in their absence.
Both masculine and feminine characteristics is needed to keep the universe in balance. It's the yin-yang. If this is out of balance the energies are out of balance and this will lead to instability. The feminine is compassionate and empathetic. They help in shaping the emotive
characteristics of society. Without it society will be robotic and wars will be endless. The masculine is non-personal and focuses on the physical environment, what we sometimes call "reality". They are needed to balance the emotions so that society will know when to be emotive
and when to face the reality and act accordingly. Pushing society to one side creates an imbalance leading to many troubles. It just happens that the male species are mostly masculine and the female species are mostly feminine. None is above or better than the other.
They both operate equally from different ends of the continuum. Yes, there are females with masculine characteristics and males with feminine characteristics.

However, turning all females into males and vice versa only destabilises the harmony of universe & the energy balance.
What makes us, is in our DNA. You're male not because you feel like a male. Your female not because of what you feel. It is what it is. For the majority this classification is clear. Undergoing surgery to change your genitals doesn't
turn you into that gender, just as bleaching doesn't make you Caucasian or tanning doesn't make you Black. These are lifestyle choices. Anything that doesn't change your DNA doesn't change who you are at the cellular level. It's just science.
Whatever you identify by or with is a social construct. It's not in your DNA. If a 50 year-old man identifies as a six-year-old girl, that's a social construct. His genes remember his age. The genes suddenly doesn't become young. Geriatric diseases & death will come in time.
This man here definitely isn't an Alpha. He leaves the responsibility of his family. These aren't the types that can defend society either against "idea pathogens" (conf. Gad Saad) or in times of crises. He is himself in crisis.
Human pups (men living like dogs) and human horse (like Ayla Kirstine) don't have canine or equine DNA. When they breed, their young ones won't look like puppies or ponies. Because that's not what they are. https://swky.co/GP-vOF 
In the matter of boundless identification, how can one conceptualise someone who identifies as a red isosceles triangle? Or how do you honour the needs of someone who suddenly identifies as the Queen of England and expects to be treated as such? https://swky.co/F9QreJ 
Men are generally stronger than women. It's not social engineering. If you take a boy & a girl & train them equally, the man will come out stronger. Can the best in the female heavyweight division (if there's anything like that) fight the male in that corresponding division?
In sports, take the top 10 best times in 100m for women and superimpose it on the men and see how the rankings will turn out. Recent record-breaking runs by transwomen has thrown the entire sporting industry into disarray with many women athletes uncomfortable but keeping silent
so they don't fall into trouble with the politically woke leadership. Imagine a situation where transwomen lead female events and cis men lead the male events! What has society achieved other than the creation of a short-circuit for non performing male athletes to shine?
The agitation to get women into the many aspects of work (non clerical) didn't start when work was labour-intensive & physical force was what was needed at plants. It started when machines - pulleys, hydraulics, etc - came on board and a button was all one needed to lift a truck.
Strength therefore isn't a social construct and the difference between the sexes is clear in this regard. Does this makes one better than the other? Nope! This is evolutionary and it's the same in all species. The bigger stronger males protect everyone in the group.
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