It’s unbelievable as to how much life has changed since then. #ThankYouScotland
So: Some things that have happened since then? Well, I got to meet a lot of you, and made some very good friends. Including @DavidMc15507097 @RottenRosa @ygglas @rickysproule74 and so so many more. I also found my voice, on one hot August day last year
I have met so many of you, and enjoyed your company. To all I missed out, my apologies.

Honestly, I still wake up every day pinching myself. Life is so much better here in Scotland.
One brilliant highlight of 2020? Meeting @Dr_PhilippaW on a day when we all got soaked to the bone in Glasgow. Scotland, you weren’t kidding when you said “it can rain sideways here”!
Another particular highlight of the time I’ve spent here was talking to both @bridgesforindy and @PaulJColvin. Both gentlemen are lovely people, and we’ve had more than a couple of laughs in the process! (Sorry Paul, I’ve misplaced our Selfie from The Clutha)!
Finally, on one particularly bright day in 2019, I brought The Ma to Ayr’s first IndyMarch. Great fun, we got to meet @grizzly4paws and @BoringOleFart. I also realised that I could get badly sunburnt!
You can follow @heresDaibhi.
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