Throwing White kids under the bus because they aren't 14/88 and might still buy into conventional American politics is the dumbest thing that a pro-White movement can do.

Ffs, I didn't become a WN until I was 22, and it still took me a long time to lose my conservative views.
As the anti-White hatred ramps up, there will be more desperate need for a movement that offers a helping hand to any White person on the receiving end of ZOG's wrath. White solidarity will be our greatest asset in the days to come.
And even if said victims of ZOG don't want our help, seeds can still be planted. I was initially hostile to WN, but gradual exposure to it made me open my mind. I believe the same will be true for other people who are offered a helping hand.
Some people will say that we should prioritize our own (like the Cville prisoners and R.A.M.) I agree with that, but that doesn't mean we become insular and ignore the suffering of non-WN Whites. We can do both, and even tie them together into a single narrative.
This false dichotomy is a side effect of this AmNat vs WigNat/GOP vs Democrat mentality that forever pushed the AltRight away from White solidarity and towards partisan politics.

We need to shift back towards seeing ourselves as a advocates for our people as a whole, WN or not.
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