every day cis people put their pronouns in their bio and then say some shit like "men don't get to have opinions on abortion"
If you are confused about what this tweet means:

It means people are putting their pronouns in their bios, believing that doing so improves the lives of transgender people, while continuing to erase them where it matters: in the healthcare system among other places.
in this context, what you should say/what you mean to acknowledge is the role of cisgender men in limiting reproductive autonomy. say that.

but, for me as a nonbinary person, even this change in language means nothing if your "allyship" is solely contained to your language.
i'd also like to highlight that a lot of you will wear pronoun pins or put them in your bio and then not honor trans people's pronouns anyway.

a lot of you unintentionally out people by not also incorporating "can i use these pronouns in x spaces, too?" into your "allyship".
hopefully this clarifies the tweet and also some general discomfort/frustrations i and other trans people experience
speaking as a repro justice organizer as well, i'd love to see people adopt this language to replace some of the bioessentialist (trans exclusionary) language usually used: abortion access, reproductive coercion, contraceptive justice, etc.
the repro justice mvmt doesn't benefit from cis women slapping pink cartoon uteruses onto t-shirts and pussy hats onto their heads. it benefits from us actually practicing that politic, which black, nonblack indigenous and gender diverse pops created. food for thought!
ahh this is as simple as i can do. when we do not say cis men, we treat abortion access as something that only impacts cis women and define womanhood around the capacity to carry children. this erases trans people, incl. trans men. https://twitter.com/jaowrites/status/1337818338257481729?s=19
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