Just a day after SCOTUS tossed the Texas Case, proving DEFINITIVELY that SCOTUS places politics ABOVE principle rendering them as useless as the FBI, THIS is suddenly "discovered."
@VP can refuse to count contested Electors!
For 5 days I pinned my hopes on SCOTUS **doing their DUTY** to the Nation & upholding their Oaths.
They proved FAITHLESS.
They punted.
President Trump's Paths to Victory shrinks by two as a resolution via STATES or by LEGAL process now seems remote.
What's left?
As KEY individuals & Institutions prove FAITHLESS in Americans pursuit of Justice for a STOLEN Election we are being FORCED back to the ROOTS of our very beginnings.
To combat the ROOTS our Enemies have managed to successfully put down into our soil.
It is a true #SoulWAR.
What we are facing is NOT a crisis of conscience, it is a crisis of CORRUPTION.
Where the supposed Defenders of American Laws & dispensers of News have been **compromised or corrupted** by America's Enemies.
By backing ($$$) those with anti-American Agendas into elected office...
or by buying them outright. Failing that, people they NEEDED in key Offices were COMPROMISED then Blackmailed to cooperate.
The CCP has been ACTIVELY doing this for a quarter of a CENTURY.
Do you think Swalwell's recent exposure is a one off?
FISA DOOM on you, you Corruptocrats!
Brian THE GREAT breaks it down in this excellent Thread:
Many off these CCP Compromised or willing Operatives have been under ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE for years.
& now President Trump is going to EXPOSE ALL OF THEM.
Can you imagine the Rallies?
That's TWO **new** Paths President Trump has I didn't know about 48 hours ago.
1. VP Pence simply refuses to count Electors from contested States UNDER THE US CONSTITUTION = TRUMP WINS.
2. Trump drops all the DECLASSIFIED intel on the Bidens which nullifies his "Presidency."
#2 would destroy the prosecution of the Bidens & all of those involved with them.
But if Trump was left with no other options?
Drop a PROOF BOMB that kills those prosecutions dead OR allow a Stone Cold Traitor to be sworn in as our President?
It's not even a CHOICE.
Trump recently said he's waiting for November 5th's Special Elections in Georgia.
One day after that, Vice President Pence presides over the Electors for certification.
Let me be clear-Trump's GOT THIS.
I have FAITH in him.
I have NO FAITH in any American Institution right now.
Our Constitution STANDS or it doesn't. Men & Women are FAILING all around us right now.
Either thru their corrupt natures or by inadequacy when called upon to do their Duty to the Nation.
It's like a starving child, whether you failed...
that child thru NEGLECT or inadequacy is a POINTLESS argument=YOU FAILED.
We NEED people of FAITH right now.
The FAITHLESS have failed us, why will be a meaningless footnote in history.
People of FAITH can ACT fearlessly & can be incorruptible.
I say CAN because Faith is TESTED.
WE are being tested RIGHT NOW.
The Left is trying to break our AMERICAN SPIRIT as Social Media censors us like mad trying to ensure THE TRUTH is not revealed.
Be Howard Roark not Gail Wynand. (THE FOUNTAINHEAD, my favorite Film)
Never quit.
Never stop until breath leaves you.
Don't give those that HATE you any power over you at all.
Hating them pulls you AWAY from what brought their ATTACKS upon you.
They want to MIRE you into the hopelessness & Darkness THEY themselves are trapped in.
Trump's exhausting all options before wheeling out THE BIG GUNS.
I wanted a resolution by Christmas & it seems like that's not going to happen.
I'm not allowing those SCOTUS Grinches to steal my Christmas.
I'll #DigitalSoldier on & await what shall befall.
In this BINARY OUTCOME I have ZERO doubt we will win.
My only ? is when it will come
Because people of FAITH....tested, TRIED & TRUE are coming to the fore.
Unafraid & courageous they are fighting & STANDING for all of us.
Like a HUNDRED Howard Roarks.
& they will WIN.
Believe it.
Trump already won THE WAR.
This will be the MOP UP.
These Threads are now my only source of income.
To support my Works you can donate any amount at  and I Thank You!

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ADDENDUM: Again, for the cheap Seats=We are being TESTED right now. By our Creator, by Trump, by THE SIMULATION, whatever it is...we're in the crucible.
Brenden Dilley one more time breaking it down=
I agree, all will be well.

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