Further back! Watching this trainwreck coming our whole lives.1st the political hypocrisy of Dem-Rep boomers in 1970s/80s. Then both in 90s big into corporatist crap at our expense. Perot/Nader quirky canaries in coal mine, but Ams refused to look. ...
...Both were hypocritical & abused the power WE loaned them! Many of us searched for something different, used our votes and donations and even activism to try to stop the decline, but here we are. Overall, we snoozed on the job for 40 years. The modern duopoly formed...
...while we were diverted and divided, by our encouraged, but ultimately chosen, hyperindividualism that's led us here, but also also allowed [fill in ypur favorite complaint about American life]. But, the good news is we awoke...perhaps, if we're lucky, just in time to stave...
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