A few guys from a huddle of New Jersey proud boys just asked if I was in their chapter, I told them no. They asked if I was in any chapter, I told them no. They then asked why I was standing so close to them, if I was “spying” on them. I didn’t answer, in reality I was curious...
... what they could possibly be talking about. It turned out that the leader was trying to organize them into to columns, which were then organized into teams of 4. “Make sure you’re with the people you want to fight with.” A few more of them surrounded me...
...and when I didn’t respond to their earlier question, asked if I had been filming them. I told them I was. “Do you know what happens to us when our faces are put on social media?” one asked. “It’s not pleasant,” he followed up when I didn’t answer him.
They made some vague threats of violence but overall didn’t seem to know what to do. They told me they had my picture, and they “had me”. I’m not sure what that means and I’m not sure they did either. They went back to organizing themselves, and for whatever reason
broke out into two columns, and then into teams of 4 for a second time. I left to buy a bottle of water. They continued with some attempts at intimidation as I left, but all in all just seemed like a large, cowardly group of angry men.
Here’s the video I took for anyone curious. I really am fascinated by these weirdos.
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