As a publisher who works for independent publishing house Jacana Media, I have observed, retweeted and responded, where possible, to some posts about the new #CoverToCover Podcast, sponsored by #ExclusiveBooks, presented by Eusebius McKaizeer and Joanne Joseph.
As a publisher who has seen the hard work and steady growth of supporters of SA and African Literature, from book clubs and podcasters, to independent reviewers and non-traditional literary outlets, it is a no-brainer to build sustainable partnerships with these entities.
The care, research, interrogation, critique and "holding of space" for especially Black and Brown Authors and their Books have been the reason for me entrusting my authors and books to these individuals and literary partners. I've done so for the past 3 years with success.
These book clubs, podcasters, independent book reviewers and non-traditional literary outlets have done the work to introduce and promote new literature for many years, and they stepped up their game during the pandemic too. I see and applaud their consistency.
For anyone who deems themselves to be an authority on the subject of SA's publishing environment and what its drivers are, it is astounding to hear that the scene has been "quiet" and therefore has lacked growth in the area of review, commentary and promotion of literature.
More astounding is the endorsement of book retailer #ExclusiveBooks of the utterances on the podcast when they themselves have been requesting the services of these literary outlets for their own in-store promotions.
Note, we do pay for services such as commissioned podcasts, sometimes at a rate, other times as a trade exchange, but we always try to value the ROI as we know how much time and effort goes into reading, reviewing and hosting book discussion, launches and seminar panels.
That said, there needs to be proper discussion and overhaul of the marketing/publicity budgets for these kinds of promotional work, because let's face it, we all loooove books but they do not pay the rent. So their part in the publishing value chain remains underestimated.
As a publisher employed by Jacana Media, to my knowledge there has been no monetary agreement between Jacana Media and #ExclusiveBooks to sponsor the #CoverToCover podcast. Again, I am not averse to paying for such services, but it's not the case this time.
And again, for anyone to try and make themselves more relevant by erasing the people and success that have gone before them, that's not the way to do it. Here, we try to hold space for each other. And we try our best to push for everyone's success.

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