How To Repurpose Content

Have you ever written tweets and then thought:

"Wow, all my time working on this is gone forever now."

Well I'm here to tell you: It doesn't have to be like that!

Repurposing your content is the answer...

1) Repurposing content simply means:

You take the message of your content and then

+ Publish it on different platforms
+ Change the format

Let's take my threads for example...

2) Here's a process for Twitter threads:

+ Write thread
+ Turn thread into a blog post
+ Use blog post as a script to record a YouTube video
+ You could even turn your tweets & threads into infographics for Instagram and Pinterest

It works the opposite way, too...

3) Found a cool video on YouTube? Turn it into a Twitter thread.

Turn the Twitter thread into an infographic.

Then turn the Twitter thread into a blog post and embed your infographic.

That's the power of repurposing content!

4) At the moment, I'm turning my threads into blog posts.

And I USED to create YouTube videos for all of my blog posts, where each post served as the script.

I hate drawing, so I'm not doing any infographics. I'll have to hire someone for this eventually though.

5) I have a writer who helps me turn threads into blog posts.

I just make sure it targets a promising keyword (stay tuned for my SEO thread next week).

Then all I have to do is send him my thread, and he'll turn it into a well-written blog post.

It works great!

6) I'm not running a podcast right now.

But one cool thing is that once you've turned your thread into a blog post, you can use it as the script for a podcast episode.

Works the other way too!

Running a podcast?

Turn your episodes into: Tweets -> Threads -> Blog Posts 🔥

7) You can build a whole content-marketing EMPIRE by repurposing it into every single format & platform:

+ Twitter
+ Facebook
+ Instagram
+ Pinterest
+ Blog posts
+ YouTube Videos
+ Podcast Episodes

Once you start earning money, you can hire freelancers to help you! 🚀📈

8) Repurposing content like this is efficient and satisfying.

👉 It increases the life-span of your content.

And you never know which platform & format takes off.

When you earn money, I suggest re-investing $$ into hiring help from freelancers.

That's what I'm doing atm.

9) Even if you're not writing threads, you can re-purpose your tweets.

The concept doesn't change, for example:

+ Inspirational tweet
+ Instagram picture
+ Pinterest picture
+ Short video message on TikTok

Get creative and you might find even more ways to repurpose it!

Thank you for reading!

Please give it a Like & RT 🙏

To return to the Advent Calendar thread, click the tweet below 👇

But one last thing...

Absorbing information like this is great.

But nothing beats meaningful conversations with like-minded people.

Below is a short video on:

+ Why I'm a member in the "City of Gold" group chat

+ How you can get your hands on a completely FREE bonus

You can follow @fromclicktosale.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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