My Hispanic friend (he’s half black but looks Hispanic to most people) just got randomly offered a job in financing while he was sitting at a Starbucks studying. Now, he’s in Texas for the summer in a predominantly Hispanic areas. Let’s go a little further into this. (Thread)
Now they saw him studying and offered him an opportunity in a financing job. He just posted the zoom meeting on Snapchat and EVERYBODY who’s on the meeting is Hispanic. The point I’m trying to make here is that they’re helping to put someone who LOOKS LIKE THEM on to bigger A
& better opportunities. Because if there’s in thing Hispanic, East Asian, Indian and literally all other races of people are going to do, it’s look out for each other. Black Women, we have to have this same mindset. Of course they interviewed and him and checked him out, but -
what what I’m trying to say, is that we as Black Women NEED to have that same community mindset with one another. Now you don’t have to offer opportunities to strangers, but if your ima position to help other like minded BW then do it. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Nepotism isn’t bad for BW to practice. They tell that lie to us and preach that we need to focus on EquLiTy while they hire their sisters, brothers, best friends, mutual friends, etc. We don’t live in an equal world so we have to start playing the game of lifting BW up.
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