The "Jericho March" in Washington starts with the blowing of shofars.
"God is going to move today," says Metaxas.
Now at the mic is MyPillow guy Mike Lindell, who has become a funder and folk hero for pro-Trump evangelicals, who said his relationship with Trump was by divine appointment
Mike Lindell now spouting Sidney Powell conspiracy theory that Trump was winning so many votes it "broke the alglorithm" designed to steal the election from him
Metaxas announces that Trump will be doing a helicopter flyover in Marine One.
Now up: Rob Weaver and Arina Grossu, cofounders of Jericho March who said the event was born of a "miracle" -- they God gave them both visions after Election Day about the need to get people into the streets to pray
Now up, right-wing activists and event sponsors Ali Alexander from Stop the Steal and Ed Martin from Phyllis Schlafly's Eagles.
"We're marching for God," says Alexander.
Now at the microphone, a Catholic priest who says he specializes in exorcism and deliverance. "Strike down the insidious foes that seek to destroy us," he prays. "Let God arise and his enemies be scattered."
Flynn on state with members of his family. He says they all "fight like Flynns."
"The courts do not decide who the next president of the United States will be," he says, "We the people decide." He says "there are paths still in play."
Flynn says the U.S. has never faced this kind of crisis. He says justice will triumph over "abuse and fraud." He says the "rule of law" in the U.S. is at risk.
"We are in a spiritual battle for the heart and soul of this country," Flynn says. "We will win. We will win."
"The media is doing an incredible disservice to this country," Flynn says.
Flynn says "nobody in this town" is fighting for Trump, ignoring the more than 100 Republican members of Congress who signed onto the Texas effort to overturn the election.
On a scale of 1 to 10, Flynn says his confidence that Trump will still be president next year is a 10. Nothing can overcome the power of prayer, he says.
"We're inside the walls of the deep state," Flynn says. "We're gonna knock those walls down."
Hard-right Archbishop Carlo Mario Viganò sent a video message to the #JerichoMarch saying, "We are the silent army of the children of light." "Th
"The walls of the Deep State, behind which evil is barricaded, will come crashing down," Viganò says.
A Jericho March coordinator invokes Hanukkah, then pounds the podium with a gavel while leading chants of "No King but Jesus!"
We're about to get a "prophetic declaration" from Curt Landry
"One of the keys to spiritual warfare is strategic timing," Landry says, adding that the Mayflower pilgrims landed 400 years ago today.
"King David faced the same problem that we faced today," Landry says.
Now up, Tom Specialie from Veterans for Trump. He calls Trump the greatest president the U.S. has ever had. Specialie denounces the "deep state" for having "conspired" against Michael Flynn.
Metaxas introduces Alice Butler-Short, head of Virginia Women for Trump, which organized this morning's event at the Supreme Court. "We all prayed for a landslide victory and we got it!" she says
Surprise guest: Alex Jones! "Humanity is awakening, and Jesus Christ is King! ... God gave us Donald Trump"
Alex Jones scream-ranting about the Satanic globalists and microchips and the Second Coming of Christ. Says satantic forces are trying to steal the greatest victory and realignment since 1776.
"The enemy" wants to keep whorehouses open while shutting churches, Jones screams, who says "the state has no jurisdiction" over churches or "any of us."
"We will never back down to the Satanic, pedophile, globalist New World Order and their walking dead, reanimated corpse Joe Biden. And we will never recognize him." Alex Jones
"I don't know who's going to the White House in 38 days but I sure know this: Joe Biden is a globalist and Joe Biden will be removed, one way or another!" Alex Jones
Jones and his Infowars colleague Owen Shroyer urge people to head to the Supreme Court at 4pm. "We have been betrayed" by the Supreme Court and Republican Party and the mainstream media, Shroyer says, "but we will not be betrayed by God!"
Next up, "Stop the Steal" founder Ali Alexander, who calls the event "a signal to the Deep State that we're not going to tolerate a Joe Biden presidency."
Alexander says he has "a warning to the establishment: We will shut this country down."
Alexander shouts-out right-wing media outlets, encouraging crowd chants of "Fox News Sucks." He encourages Tucker Carlson to leave Fox for Newsmax.
"Stop the Steal is never going to stop," Alexander says. He says that if "heaven forbid," the Electoral College votes tomorrow for Joe Biden, the fight will go to Congress.
Alexander says Alabama Rep. Mo Brooks will object to House certification on January 6 and warns other Republicans to join him "or we will throw them out of office."
If no senator joins Brooks in objecting to certification of the Electoral College vote, says Alexander, "We will burn the Republican Party down."
Alexander says his movement will take over the Republican Party from the bottom up (this is the strategy the Religious Right used to build power in the 1990s)
"We are the people you must represent," Alexander said to the Republican Party," or they will be replaced by patriots. "We have God's favor," Alexander said.
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