Thread - Flu vs. Wuflu

1. The following truths about the ChiCom/CCP virus – or “Wuflu” – are courtesy of a friend.
2. As I have said over and over and over again, I know only a tiny number of individuals who have contracted the Wuflu / CCPvirus / COVID 19 and don't know anyone who has died from it.
3. In contrast, in a typical flu season, which -- until 2020 -- we used to have every year, I would know a dozen or more people who would catch the flu, sometimes quite seriously, and occasionally some -- like my own father -- would die from it.
4. The number of people who catch the flu and the Wuflu and die from them are the same order of magnitude. So why are authoritarian governments, big pharma, the MSM, etc., hyping the Wuflu so rabidly?
5. The flu / influenza and Wuflu are both viruses that affect the respiratory and pulmonary systems. They share similarities and differences, so it is not easy to distinguish them without exacting laboratory studies.
6. "Follow the science" -- problem is that much of the official, government sponsored "science" is bogus, and tainted by political intentions.
7. We should listen carefully to the highly trained, skilled, skeptical medical practitioners, pharmacologists, and public health specialists who dare to speak out and are critical of the big pharma, government, and MSM pabulum that is fed to us.
8. We ourselves should use our intelligence and be critical of the politically motivated, vacillating dogma that is imposed on us in the name of official science.
9. Bottom line: For whatever reasons, the CCPvirus has been hyped out of all proportion to its actual pathological and epidemiological danger.
10. The paranoia in the world's population has been fanned by a vast, concerted effort involving many authoritarian institutions (above all the CCP, WTO, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and so forth).
11. They must have a reason (definitely nefarious) and game plan for doing so.
12. It is up to the good people of the world to find out what these scoundrels have been up to in order to cause so much distress and destruction in our society, to expose them, and restore and rebuild our normal lives.
13. And to restore our constitutionally-guaranteed civil liberties being destroyed daily by authoritarian governors, mayors, and others. ///The end.
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