Michigan vs. Ohio State Football today postponed due to COVID

But a comparison of MI vs OH on COVID is useful


While vaccines are coming, we have 6-8 hard weeks ahead

And the big question is -- can we do anything to save lives?

Lets look at MI, OH for insights

On 11/15, Michigan announced series of restrictions

Ohio didn’t

We can compare the two to see if Michigan policies helped

Why is Ohio a good comparison?

OH a neighbor of similar size, make-up (urban/rural, etc)

Here's COVID cases through 11/15

(OH in red, MI in blue)
The two states have tracked very closely

Similar states

Similar policies

But then, things changed mid-November

So let’s talk data ( @COVID19Tracking 7-day moving avgs)

On 11/15, Michigan had

67 new cases / 100K population and 31 people in the hospital per 100K pop

Ohio had, per 100K pop

58 new cases, 25 people in the hospital

And as the graph shows, they were both increasing rapidly

Here's that graph again through November 15
Michigan put in restrictions on 11/15

Ohio did not

What happend?

Michigan 11/15 versus 12/10

Daily cases: 67 --> 57 new cases per 100K
Hospitalizations: 31 --> 40 per 100K

Ohio 11/15 versus 12/10

Daily cases 58 -->104 new cases per 100K

Hospitalizations: 25 --> 44 per 100K
So MI: cases are down 15%, hospitalizations up 29%

OH: cases are up 79%, hospitalizations up 76%

And you know that deaths will follow in the following couple of weeks

In fact, let's look at the picture, which tells the story perfectly

OH vs MI through December 11
For much of the pandemic, the two states have looked very similar

Partly because both governors did a good job managing things

When things got bad this fall, MI responded, OH didn’t

If we need more evidence that policy matters, this graph should do it

Two states, similar background, neighbors

Only big difference is in mid-November, a policy intervention

And effects are sizeable. And visible.

Obviously, its just a two state comparison

But compelling

And should remind us we know how to save lives until vaccines arrive

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