I’ve been on Twitter since 2015 as a tiny account, and I mean tiny. I didn’t create my BTS fan account until 2018. The way I’ve seen stuff get blown up without all the required information needed, really makes me question how the fxcking way these new accounts that just started
popping up in the last three years. And then I realized why, as I was studying at college for my diplomacy degree. Sleeper agents, random zombie accounts, small factions of pockets of loud misleading individuals who are in fact working against the very thing they so call love &
respect. The way I’ve seen this fandom grow exponentially in size is amazing as it is unnerving. Why? We have to stop and think for a damn moment ARMY.
We CANNOT CANNOT be victims to solos, mantis, antis, etc agendas. If you think for a second that you going & spamming BH emails
is helping BTS without reading, investigating, and forming your own fxcking opinion. You clearly are NOT the type of fan BTS would be proud to call their own. They’ve said this countless times, in interviews, videos, and even written. Each and every comeback it seems to grow
bigger and bigger and as the small account that I am, every time I see this type of shxt on my TL I will be blocking and reporting. You will NOT take my happiness of seeing 7 men share their love of music with actual ARMY.

One warning⚠️Remember BH is soon to have a US location
which entails lots of legal permits, licenses, legal networks. Perhaps a branch you could say, that works exclusively for defamation and cybercrime division investigations. In a world where we are geared to being even more connected via trans-globalization networks, are you
willing to risk future job opportunities, because you made the mistake that could have been prevented had you read to begin with? All these huge 2020 accounts that are rushing in saying they’re baby ARMY UwU, can fuxk off when they say email BH and then backtrack because they
were rightfully called out and educated and say sorry. No, I don’t accept that. They should have the balls to show their face on camera with said apology. The anonymity of the internet makes people be brave and reckless, but once that screen is taken away, they are a mere shadow
of what they pretend to be. Individuals, who think the numbers they have are people who are there for them, maybe some are, 3/4 aren’t. They are there for the BTS content.

So if you’re an unproblematic ARMY and don’t fall under any of the above that I’ve called out, let me
know so I can follow you. Especially the Noona ARMY out there, I see you!💜
You can follow @_Mi_SonRisa.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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