What is aesthetic/white feminism and why isn’t it feminism?
Aesthetic/white feminism is a form of “feminism” that solely focuses on the struggles of heavily privileged, cis, white women while failing to address distinct forms of oppression faced by ethnic minority communities and other marginalised communities, that lack other privileges.
Something that annoys me about that definition is, it isn’t feminism. Well, it shouldn’t be considered feminism. That’s because aesthetic feminism is heavily performative, it is minuscule narratives, created and changed to aesthetically appeal to people who hold many privileges.
When people say “Well isn’t it better than nothing?” “It’s a gateway into feminism”, no it’s not. How can it be a gateway to feminism when the ideologies behind aesthetic feminism, aren’t intersectional? Feminism HAS to be intersectional, otherwise it isn’t feminism.
Asking white, cishet/heteronormative, able-bodied, thin, conventionally attractive, middle-class, privileged woman, to be accountable. Isn’t “tearing down women”. Accountability leads to learning, learning leads to action and action leads to change.
Intersectionality is the acknowledgement (needed action) that everyone has their own unique experiences of discrimination/oppression. We must consider everything that can/does marginalise people – gender identity, race, class, sexual orientation, body type, physical ability, etc.
Remember there are different factors to a person. You need to take these factors into consideration when learning about a person’s privilege. Understand that marginalised communities, face multiple forms of discrimination. Which you don’t face or might not face severely.
“But intersectionality is hard work”.

Yes, yes it is. It should make you uncomfortable. It should make you want to work for change. And surely what’s harder is, people have to actually go through and live with, what we discuss within feminist discourse.
How can I be intersectional?

⁃Use your privilege to support those who don’t hold that privilege or hold it less.
⁃Take criticism and be accountable when you need to,
⁃Listen and learn from marginalised groups and individuals.
Any further points, resources and comments please leave below! This is a forever evolving conversation and I am still learning lots about this :)
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