Earlier I said "If Kemp, Barr, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Barrett turn out to be the heroes of this thing, I'm going to be SO pissed."

I was joking, of course.

None of these people are heroes and never will be.

These Republicans standing up to Trump now? They deserve nothing for doing their actual jobs in accordance with the oath they swore.

THAT'S THE BARE MINIMUM STANDARD, not anything worthy of praise.

Trump expected some Quid Pro Quo, because any relationship with him is transactional.

He nominated Barrett and Kavanaugh specially to give him a second term.

He appointed Barr to keep him out of prison.

He supported Kemp and Ducey and other Republican governors and AG's specifically because he expected them to manipulate state elections in his favor.

But what he missed, because this is what people like him ALWAYS miss, is that those people are just as selfish, self-centered, and mercenary as he is.

And NOW that they're office, maybe with the exception of Barr, they don't need him any more.

Supreme Court Justice is for life. Barrett, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, they don't need Trump anymore.

Conservatives hold a majority on the court and barring some realignment in future administrations, they're going to hold that majority for a very long time.

They don't need Trump anymore. And they don't feel any more loyalty to Trump than Trump does to all the Republicans he is right now openly trashing.

Kemp and Ducey, they going to be in office long after Trump is gone. They took his support, of course they did, but they don't need him any more.

They're thinking about THEIR future, not his. Because they are just as shitty and just as self-centered as Trump is.

Barr, he's an evil little toad of a man, but he's not stupid.

He knows what's coming and it's every toad for himself. Barr isn't going to hang for Trump. He doesn't figure he owes Trump a damn thing.

He's looking a seven figure book deal and a seven figure job with some law firm somewhere and a lifetime of pulling the strings from behind the scenes just like every other disgraced Republican operator. He's gonna pull a Newt Gingrich.

Even Mitch McConnell will bail on Trump, today, tomorrow, soon. Because McConnell doesn't need Trump the Chump anymore and there ain't no more mercenary politician than Mitch McConnell.

Mitch cares about ONE person and ONE person only, and that's Mitch McConnell. He'll betray Trump without a tear or twinge of guilt, so long as he gets his 40 million pieces of silver in an offshore account.

I'd be hard pressed to believe McConnell would give much of shit if his own wife goes down with SS Trumptanic.

What about the other ones? The ones who signed on with Texas? The sycophants and the suck ups and seditionists?

Yeah, what about them?

People like Matt Gaetz are nothing without Trump. Gaetz is stupid, pathetically so, he's never been anything but a drunk in a cheap suit, an ambulance chaser in the worst tradition of Southern law.

He's never been anything but a tool of others, first his dad, then Trump. His entire identity is that of a toadie. He's going down with the ship, because there's nowhere else for him to go.

It's the same with the others. Without Trump, they're nobodies. You'd would never even have heard of Dan Crenshaw, if it wasn't for Trump.

Lindsey Graham has gone quit for a reason, he's terrified, it's all falling apart now. He betrayed McCain for NOTHING.

Like Texas AG Ken Paxton, they're only hanging on because they need a pardon or because they're looting the regime while they still can. They don't have the courage to flee to Argentina and hide out in the jungle for the rest of their miserable lives.

You surround yourself with shitty, selfish, mercenary bastards, and in the end you have no right to expect any loyalty whatsoever.

Rats are true to their nature, right to the bitter end.

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