• a thread on why you shouldn’t feel
bad if you over-ate today

• gives a boost to your metabolism

when you over eat, your body releases something called a thyroid hormone.
this hormone has lots of benefits to the body including boosting your metabolism. this is why when you over eat, you often find yourself loosing weight.
• decreases binge urges

when you over eat, you’re getting rid of any cravings that may be building up. this decreases urges to binge in the future.
• you’ll feel more energised

you’re proving your body with what it needs. food. you’ll likely feel better for a period of time once the food is digested as your body will have benefited from it
• you’re helping your mind

when your body isn’t getting enough food, your mind can’t focus and you may feel more anxious. when you eat, you help your mind to focus, this will also reduce stress levels.
• hydration

the food will provide you with a source of hydration, this helps your body with a lot of things such as headaches, ability to focus and dizziness
• your bones benefit from food

when you’re not eating enough you may damage your bones and the tissue and muscle surrounding them. eating helps your body strengthen your bones making you feel overall much better in general.
• helps with depression

one of the side effects of not eating enough is depression. eating will help your body pick itself up again, often helping feelings of depression
• provides heat

food is needed for the liver to create and provide bile for the body. bile provides you with heat.
• anxiety

when your body doesn’t get enough food, your mind becomes anxious and stressed out. eating helps your mind become more focused and relaxed.
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