One thing I'll never get is why games change millions of small details / redo most of their gameworld completely from when it's announced to when it gets delivered

Take this control panel for a elevator in Cyberpunk for example
left = gameplay reveal
right = game
Or the color of this railing, also the trashcan to the left of it and not to forget the entire monorail system at the top is completely different, one goes to the right one to the left

left = game
right = gameplay reveal
You can see they kept some details, like the Brainwash sign at the top, but the entire building it's on changed completely and honestly, the one in the gameplay reveal looked cooler.

Distanced Shadows look bad in the actual game when compared

left = game
right = gameplay reveal
Another example of how they changed the citry completely,
it's like the city in the gameplay reveal was never there.

Why do the effort of creating an entire gameworld just to scrap it again for the actual game?
Don't understand these huge changes

RIP that window control btw :(
This is what probably pissed me off the most comparing these.

The one in the gameplay reveal looked so much better, light wasn't overdone, PCs on the left and right gave it some variety.

Backboard behind the slots for guns don't look like no light is affecting them at all!!!
"Here a generic ad has morphed into an advertisement specifically tailored to V, informing her of the nearest vendor she can purchase the product from"

Yeah totally, just removed that amazing detail.
It's these details that make a game stand out
and they sadly just removed them.
All those screenshots, that I took were on the absolute Max Settings, RTX On, DLSS off.

Also I don't want to hate on the game, I love it.
But that last one really pissed me off,
especially mentioning that detail, just to remove it.
Wish they kept details like these in, kinda sad
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