Hey everyone, I’m back and about to get on the metro to DC for today’s MAGA rally in the city. Last night Proud Boys and others attacked counter protesters at BLM plaza
Alright I had a little bit of trouble w the metro but I’m on the train now
So far the crowd seems significantly smaller than last time, mostly generic maga hats and trump gear, there are a few guys w three percenter shirts on
The guy sitting beside me estimates there were 300,000 attendees last time, this is not correct
Lmao Jesus Christ this guy is talking about how his support of Trump means his wife won’t talk to him, this is golden
First Proud Boy sighting of the day
I can hear shouting so I’m walking towards that, my plan as of rn is to spend some time at the main event before heading to blm plaza
Here’s the main event, there was some sort of Trump rap song playing when I first walked up
Some signs so far
We’ve got ourselves another Proud Boy. These are not the sort of gloves you wear for peaceful protests. He’s also wearing some sort of Mjolnir necklace
Oh hell yeah brother
“Thanks to Donald J Trump, we can put the Christmas back in Christmas”
The Culpeper minutemen, a Virginia militia group, has a flag on display
A group called Forbidden Truth has a tent selling the first Q merch I’ve seen today. The man running it informed me that Malcolm X would’ve been a Trump supporter
I was given a book
More Q merch
Holy shit I’m not at a good angle right now but the deplorable choir is currently performing
There are groups of Three-Percenters who are pretty geared up. The majority are carrying bear mace
They very much did not enjoy having their picture taken
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