Good Good Morning Fam. I'm so excited😃. This morning I'm serving up Hot Take🔥🥞to start your day @emigre80 @NYCanegirl @firedup79 @MrTamhas @TheePitts @therealwombat1 @notdecraw @tulipglory @RabbiJill @Utleyjacobite @TheSteveTheCat @RobAdamsFL @DianeToucan @mrspc48. I'm
2. actually doing this because there are good things happening and I really want to talk to someone about them. Let's get started.
🔥🥞- SCOTUS did the right thing AND inserted a nice little mind-f*ck to boot. While a strongly worded dismissal would have been better for the
3. country, I'll take the dismissal. The dissenting note of Alito and Thomas stating that the case should be heard was an added bonus. The fact that the trump appointees didn't sign off on it has trumpers saying that Kav, Gorsh, & Amy were disloyal to trump. This neutralizes the
4. GOP argument of "Biden will increase the Court so we must keep the Senate." 😃It also increases trump's ire in that SCOTUS "decided" not to give him his day in court. Thus not giving him or his supporters a chance to "speak". IMO, trump isn't used to being dismissed like this
5. and thus it will be harder for him to accept and by extension, harder for his supporters to accept. This is the mind f*ck.
🔥🔥🥞tumpers are reacting exactly as we thought they would. They are wounded and taking the SCOTUS loss personally. Will this suppress the trump vote in
6. GA? IMO, yes. trump has made this an "us vs. them" fight, which there is a winner, and a loser. I've said time and time again that trumpers have allowed their devotion to trump to define them and become a part of their self-concept. So, if he's a loser they are losers.
7. Contrast this with '16. When HRC lost, our 'candidate' lost, America lost, but WE didn't lose. We were angry, yes, but I never read or saw anything that indicated Dems viewed her defeat as a reflection of themselves. It will be difficult for the GOP to motivate these people to
8. in any election that doesn't have trump on the ticket b/c they won't be voting for themselves. The GOP put all their eggs in the trump basket which cost them support among a broad spectrum of current and soon-to-be voters. They may suffer the consequences of this gambit for a
9. long time. 🔥🔥🔥🥞Think I'm wrong that the GOP is in a bad position? They took Palin out of mothballs to campaign in the GA Special. That signals to me that Loeffler & Perdue don't think they'll get the trump voters they need. 😃
🔥🔥🔥🔥🥞Speaking of GA (and this is
10 my absolute favorite take of all)😁. How friggin' smart is the Biden team? WOW🤯They are blowing my mind. Leaking the tape of Biden's comments and the efforts of Progs was brilliant, BRILLIANT! Whether anyone likes it our not, the Defund the Police" messaging hurt Dems.
11. Now you may say "No it didn't, Biden won." NO. This is 2020, a census year. Dems had an excellent chance to take statehouse races and be in charge of drawing congressional maps, but the opportunity was lost. This will effect vulnerable people in multiple states for 10 yrs,
12. keep Congressional races competitive, and possibly continue the abomination of a minority of people controlling who controls the House. IMO, the leak was not an error, it was a strategy, and a brilliant one. Biden is the head of the party now and he sets the agenda.
13. Because it was "leaked" the comments are being perceived as genuine and have been welcomed by moderate GOPers. We need them in January. This strategy makes it clear that AOC, Omar, and the Squad do NOT run the party, he does, which makes it more difficult for the GOP to paint
14. the party in a leftist, socialist light. It also allows Ossoff to accept Bernie's endorsement with grace. Biden has given him the cover that he needs. Following this up with a Biden visit to GA is just brilliant. Make no mistake, if Dems don't get the Senate nothing of
15. importance will change. Federal funds are needed to make headway on Climate Change, the right to vote must be secured, we cannot leave the question of affordable healthcare up in the air. People are literally going hungry, we must have both a support and a stimulus program to
16. help get people back on their feet. Racial injustice must be addressed in a meaningful way (ensuring voting rights plays to this). Women, who make up many heads-of households, must get equal pay or we will fail too many generations,student loan programs must be overhauled,
17. and banks must be put back on a tight leash. It's unfortunate that the squad, to a degree, has to be thrown under the bus, but Dems have to play to win for there is too much at stake. What are your thoughts?
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