3 months after starting back at work after an extended period out I have a few reflections.

I just want to highlight a few of them here so the Ortho community can have a think:

(Ps these are mine and do not necessarily apply to others)
1. The trainer you put someone like me with makes ALL the difference.

I am just so lucky to have the trainer I have. I have felt so able to tell him how I’m feeling, my anxieties and what I need from him, and that has made all the difference. He has responded with nothing but..
..kindness, understanding and trust

He has stood with me with patience and optimistic confidence building at every juncture, be it clinic plans or my first cases back in theatre

His treating me like a colleague who needs his help rather than a ‘junior’ who needs ‘managing’.
2. The attitude of the department

One of the most valuable things has been prepping my consultant colleagues for my specific needs

I told them before they arrived, I know they’ve discussed it in their meeting. I know most of them are aware and I don’t need to keep explaining
3. The attitude toward LTFT

I have experienced negative comments about my LTFT before.

Having colleagues who help affirm that it’s the right and perfectly valid choice for you is important.

Even if just a few people say it, it makes a difference
4. I’ve vowed that if I want it to work I must do what I NEED to do. Not worry what others think

To that end I don’t fear asking stupid questions,I’ve asked some of the most stupid the last few days. I ask for help lots

Colleagues not responding negatively when I do helps a lot
There’s a lot more to say about this, but I felt it was important to share a few points whilst fresh in my mind
I won’t lie, it’s been a rollercoaster

Some days I have felt useless, embarrassed and like I have taken nothing but steps backward

Other days I have remembered why I love the specialty I have chosen and have realised I do retain some skill however much i believed I didn’t
Probably realisation that someone returning like I have, will go through these emotions, and need steadfast support throughout is one of the greatest lessons I could depart

Go forth and action please
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