Everybody needs to calm the Fook down.

I am not going to try "spin" anything.

The no decision yesterday was a setback but in no way should it signal a concession.

We have been talking about this since Nov 9th.

Don't let yourself be pulled into the ebb and flow of skirmishes.
The emotions are intoxicating. I've known people who spend their whole lives going from emotional crisis to emotional crisis.

Take a deep breath.

Conservatives often base their opinion on logic while liberals base theirs on emotion.

We've had a lot of crossover.
There are a lot of crossover democrats who are part of this movement.

Don't get caught up in their emotional addictions.

It is seductive, because it is justified. But it does you, your family, nor the movement no good.

Let's take a look at this from a logical POV.
What was the likely outcome of the SCOTUS had the taken the case?

They would have ruled in support that which we know.

Fact 1.
Various actors changed election law w/o using the necessary mechanisms required to do so. #facts
Fact 2

Voters in various states were not given equal protection under the law under things like cured ballots. #Fact.

Those were the two main points of the requested motion in the SCOTUS.

Here is the interview with Cruz who was to present it. https://twitter.com/MstrDebator/status/1337471543119581184?s=20
The suit claimed that by actors in other states changing voter rules w/o changing the voter election laws it hurt voters in the states bringing the suit.

The SCOTUS denied that those voters who were bringing the suit were damaged.

They did not judge on the merit of the case.
So now that we have set the table, let's explore what we hoped the SCOTUS would do upon accepting the case.

The hope was to either (A) have the electors be chosen by the Legislators or (B) have a new election in select states.
Now the first part, the outcome is the same as we have discussion for a month ad nauseum which is the 12th amendment and the challenging of electors.

We discussed how it only takes 1 house member and 1 senate member to challenge ANY states elector count (Must be in writing).
We have gone over how Democrats in EVERY SINGLE presidential election in the LAST 20 YEARS have challenged electors, in elections they lost.

2001 Gore/Bush
2005 Bush/Kerry
2017 Trump/Clinton

Only in the 2005 did they get a senator (Boxer) to agree, however it was resolved.
So you can see, as we talked about, no matter what the final count the electors would be challenged, with or without the SCOTUS telling them to do so.

Same outcome.

Now let's move to situation (B), a common resolution of situations like this, the ordering of new elections.
An order of a new election would have meant Congress could not have been seated and likely the President would not have chosen by the Jan 20th deadline. The chaos that would have followed in the build up would have been insane.

That outcome is less likely now.
Although it is CLEAR that the SCOTUS laid out a roadmap to a suit that they could accept so this part of the story is not yet completely written.

Just understand the SCOTUS was never going to just order Trump as the President. That is not what we are seeking.
So much of EVERYTHING you are seeing is the political cover for what is about to happen.

We have to create enough doubt to give first Congressmen, and later state legislators the confidence to do what they know is right.

That is all ANY of this, does.
There is no doubt that the NSA, DNI, Homeland Security and a host of other 3 letter agencies have tons of information about what happened in this election.

There are enough Trump loyalists and backing of enough ppl, that a shit ton more information is still coming out.
People think that once Dec 14th comes and electors vote that is the end of the process. That is ignorance of how the constitution and elections work.

Those electors must be reported to Congress and Congress MUST accept them.

This is the process of convincing them not to.
You NEED to understand something.

This battle is NOT at the SCOTUS.

It is convincing GOP legislators in the 4 or 5 states in question to choose a delegate that will vote Trump on Jan 6th. That's it. That is the end game here. That has always been the end game. The rest is fluff
A truth pill.
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