The “let him have his legal process and then it will be over” crowd in the GOP isn’t going to win. We’re going to get the full spectacle of successive performative challenges to electors January 6, far beyond the 2017 and 2005 challenges.
There’s nothing inherently terrible about that in the narrow sense. It takes both chambers approval to exclude the voters, and there’s no way the House will do that (and very little chance the Senate will either), so it’s all just theater. It’s cynical and scummy, but theater.
But the push to undermine the legitimacy of the president, which has become a prominent feature of GOP politics in the 21st century with Obama andBiden (and to a much lesser degree Democratic Party politics with Bush 43 and Trump) is not a healthy feature of our democracy.
The best resource on the January 6 proceedings in Congress is this CRS report.
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