On Thursday I had the absolute pleasure of talking to East of England Regional Chair candidate John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD. His vision, insight and energy are impressive. He explained what motivated him to get actively involved in politics. #VoteShreeve as 1st preference.
John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD and I talked at length at how government has allowed an economy that is off-kilter that's had a terrible impact on parts of the East of England region. #VoteShreeve as you 1st preference vote for Regional Chair for a person with vision and expertise.
John Street @JohnShreeveLD doesn't simply have some wishy washy slogan about wanting people to have a better life. He has a vision and a plan for how that can be achieved.
Use your 1st preference vote to #VoteShreeve for East of England Regional Chairman for change that works.
John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD is very passionate about the waste of potential to trade with Europe and how that opportunity's not been nurtured, as it was/is still available to all.
For someone with the vision to make positive change #VoteShreeve for East of England Regional Chair.
I think that John Shreeve is spot on here. Many, myself included, joined the party due to national political issues. Those issues shouldn't be ignored at local level.
#VoteShreeve for East of England Regional Chair for someone who understands what much of the membership want.
We also touched on the need for proportional representation. I love John Shreeve's @JohnShreeveLD of how to achieve it and stop people being effectively excluded. He understands the frustration people feel with the current system.

#VoteShreeve for East of England Regional Chair.
John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD talks about the biggest issue facing the LibDems and why they are currently on just 6%. He wants to be East of England Regional Chair to help make the changes that are vital for the party's survival.
#VoteShreeve as your 1st preference.
One thing that John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD is determined to do is to encourage the ca 90% of the membership that is inactive to get actively involved. He is unwilling to let that situation continue.
#VoteShreeve as your 1st preference for East of England Regional Chair
Unfortunately, at this point John Shreeve @JohnShreeve was the victim of an unexpected inappropriate joke interruption. He handled it surprisingly well under the circumstances.
Clearly good in a crisis.
It was quickly back to business and John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD spoke about why the LibDem party is ignored at national level.
#VoteShreeve as your 1st preference as Regional Chair in the East of England for real change for the better.
John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD on his vision for an economic 'revolution' and how the LibDems should be at the forefront of talking about that idea for change.
#VoteShreeve at your 1st preference for East of England Regional Chair for someone with a vision that can be delivered.
Here John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD speaks about how the economy should not be at the detriment to the environment and quality of life.

#VoteShreeve as your 1st preference for East of England Regional Chair for someone who has the vision and drive for real change.
John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD spoke about the issues in his region, East of England. Sustainability and the economy are both very important to John.
#VoteShreeve as your 1st preference for East of England Regional Chair. I know you won't regret it!
Refreshingly, John Shreeve believes that the party has to engage local party members on national political concerns, if that's why they joined the party.
#VoteShreeve as your 1st preference for East of England Regional Chair for someone with a clear vision for positive change.
Finally, John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD explains why he is the best person for the role of East of England Regional Chair.
I agree with him and can only urge you to use your vote, if you have one, to #VoteShreeve as your 1st preference. He embodies the change the party needs.
P.S. he also has a sense of humour.

#VoteShreeve John Shreeve @JohnShreeveLD as your 1st preference for East of England Regional Chair for someone who doesn't just have common sense, but has a sense if humour, too.
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