Not surprisingly, a lot of misinformation is being spread about what the Supreme Court actually did. Bottom line: not a single justice said that the four states should be blocked from participating in the electoral college vote as Texas wanted
And, second: Trump and allies have had weeks to pursue their legal claims in state and federal courts and have lost at every stage. They have not just had their day in court, they’ve had weeks in court, and have failed to sustain any of the wild allegations they have made
After the election, other Republicans said Trump had a right to pursue his claims and see if anything sticks. Nothing has stuck. What do they say now?
Among the judges rejecting Trump have been multiple conservatives appointed by Trump himself and one of the states he has taken on (Georgia) is run by Republicans who supported Trump. The defense of election and dismissals of his claims have by no means been on partisan grounds
And: polls saying many people don’t have faith in election results is driven largely by the president constantly saying without evidence that there was widespread fraud. It says nothing about whether the election was conducted properly but will likely have long-term impact
And classic Supreme Court to spend all day working on an order that is released at 6:30 at night and still leaves room in the weeds for multiple interpretations, good faith and bad
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