Ideally as per various rituals and reasons, Females are prevented from worshipping krura planets. Many reasons are cited for it on various grounds. We all know in Shani mandir women are not allowed to touch deity. Same was situation with Sabrimala, who is rupam of Kartikeya 1/8
Kartikeya being deity pleased for Kraum or Mangal. Women are for some or other reason avoided. Roots of such problems lie with Patriarchal and Male dominated society, which felt that ladies should avoid pleasing Krura planets. Reason being, females were considered more opt for2/8
Soumya/soft behaviour and hard/ cruelity was avoided for them. One reason could be what if they start challenging male authority? Please note I am not taking any side, I am just clarifying various views of ancient societies. They devised various dictums to enforce these 3/8
Few of them like women should bath before Sunrise. Or people should not bath naked. Many more like these. Someone shared a recent post that Sun is Malefic for Women. It is actually an old practice where dominant Sun meant admin and court participation, which was avoided 4/8
With evolving time women became more participating, their rights increased. But these stigmas are still there by various reasons. Ideally these reasons are not there in Astrology but more in Karm Kaand. And with growing changes they become obsolete. Like earlier bathing was 5/8
around ponds and rivers, chances of someone watching ladies bathing was considered bad. Or women moving with her hair open in public places will attract unwanted attention from opposite sex. Now highly decorated and private bathrooms have replaced all of these ponds.6/8
Female participation in politics is mandatory to a certain percentage. My whole idea of this thread was to invoke questionbility of rituals in practice and do not put a blanket cover on them. Most of the times old literature used to cite this seems to be of that desh & kaal 7/8
While using them in 2021 we need to adjust them as per the current Kaal. Understanding reason and logic is the key pathway. Same is with other questions like what is the best marriage age as per Astrology, or Why people have 1 child now? Why not polygamy?8/8
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