If you happen to meet a boy without a father figure in life, do your best to instill the right values in them. With them, the chances of being carefree and irresponsible are very high. Not having a father figure is dangerous except the mother plays dual roles.

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Fathers help instill confidence in kids. Most guys learn how to treat women from the way their fathers treat their mothers. And if that is absent, they become bereft of that experience. This haunts them when they go into relationships. They are scared of being heartbroken...
But also do not know what to do to make women stay with them. They are not used to seeing women being loved, and so do not know how to do so. A very integral lesson they should have learned from childhood has been stolen from them.
Now, along with other lessons, they have to learn this lesson with adulthood. No teacher. Just them learning from daily experiences from friends, partners and loved ones. Worse, they have to learn all these in the midst of the plethora of responsibilities that come with being...
...the boy child.

Usually this is a tough process, as many men of this upbringing are narcissistic. And so are self-conflicted. Too proud to learn.

This is why many boys with broken homes have broken homes too when they get married. They are bereft of the...
...principal lessons a man should know in keeping a home.

Oh! Yes. Mothers try. But more often than not, there's always a gap. As a man, there are things you only want to share with a fellow man. A mother can't play that role.
So, please instill the values in them.
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