Europe is en route to rapid deindustrialization until 2030

China, being the chosen production state of the global order is well on its way to being a consumer state with an affluent middle class

the US remains a wild card for now, but someone has to fill China's role
Indochina itself won't be large enough and in any case South-East Asia is developing much the same as China

Africa is therefore going to be eyed up as China's successor

expect massive funds to flow there until the 2050s
the core problem remains that over time liberal capitalism leads to consumer states only, bughives with little else but services on their GDP tend to be the end result

this is an intrinsic problem of the system and nobody has found a solution yet
it would be fun to see the reaction of "think tanks" once Africa too is a consumer state and they are left with no free production areas on the entire world

but that won't happen, the system will die way before that
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