If there’s an area of healthcare other than trans healthcare where non medical people are consistently given platforms to voice their opinions I’d like to see it. THREAD.
The problem is people don’t see it as healthcare. They seem to think it’s optional, that it’s cosmetic, that if we just wait long enough we can be be cured. It’s just a whim. It’ll go away.
All you’re doing is making life unnecessarily difficult for people. Trans healthcare IS healthcare and people need to sit down, shut up and listen. Let the experts do their goddamn jobs.
Kids do NOT have easy access to hormone blockers. Kids are NOT having their genitals cut off, despite what Brenda Power would have you believe.
There are multidisciplinary teams dealing with trans kids and it takes YEARS of assessments before they will recommend medical intervention. And because of this the rates of detransition are extremely low.
The Keira Bell case is an anomaly. Stopping trans healthcare for kids based on one person’s experience, especially when so many trans kids have had the opposite experience, is a disgrace. END.
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