The madness of the #Brexit'ers DEMANDS over #Fishing come into focus once you understand:

The herring, mackerel, sole, and monks/anglers WE CATCH, we mostly SELL to EU;

The cod, haddock and plaice WE EAT we mostly BUY from the EU, or we fish in Irish, French, Danish waters.
Almost all of our cod and haddock comes from the Icelandic, Norwegian and Barents Seas.

After #Brexit, that's foreign waters the UK trawlers will not be allowed to trespass in.
There are more Fish'n'Chip shops in the UK that all other fast-food chains PUT TOGETHER.

88% of Brits consider the 'Fish'n'Chips' as our national dish - and #Brexit will kill it stone dead.

Unless the EU nations agree to sell that fish to us - and why would they ?
So the 'Fish'n'Chips' -suitable species from UK waters are dab, hake, megrim and pollock.

Your 'Fish'n'Chips' is going to look and taste very different, very quickly.

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