Top Wintery/Christmassy Reads from living authors who have lost revenue from school visits and could do with a Christmas boost maybe? Work quick and some of these guys might sell you a signed copy or something. I'll start.
The Way Past Winter by @Kiran_MH is as gorgeous as this cover suggests.
Christmas Dinner of Souls by @mossmontmomery is glorious gruesome fun.
The Midnight Guardians also by @mossmontmomery is wintery spin on The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe
There May Be A Castle by @PiersTorday is funny and exciting but terribly terribly sad.
The Lightbringers by @andtheHare is another of her beautiful stories told in text and photographs of her cast of deliciously characterful felt characters. It is lovely story of hope in a dark time. We could all do with a bit of it.
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