A reminder, especially if you self-publish, that you MUST deposit a copy of your book with the copyright deposit libraries: @britishlibrary, @bodleianlibs, @theUL, @natlibscot, @NLWales and @tcdlibrary https://twitter.com/jdmccafferty/status/1337695473994518530
It's not only required by law - it's also essential if you want future generations to have access to your book. I'm always baffled by authors who never deposit any of their books with a library
My heart always sinks whenever I encounter really good, self-published books (usually in the field of local history or folklore) where the author hasn't bothered to get an ISBN, let alone deposit it... Like, you do realise you've guaranteed your book will be completely forgotten?
I think it's because some authors write for a very specific audience - a local history society, their friends, etc. and it doesn't cross their mind that their book might be of interest to SCHOLARS and therefore needs to be findable!
Local historians and folklorists routinely underestimate the importance of (and wider interest in) what they do
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