The government's decision to allow Ayurveda practitioners to perform surgery is actually only the latest in a long line of subversions. And the thing that has been subverted over and over and over again is EXPERTISE. Remember "hard work vs Harvard"? This is that. Only this...
...time, instead of disregarding the expertise of world renowned economists (thus causing demonetisation, recession, and GDP going into negative figures), what is being disregarded is the expertise of doctors. Instead of disregarding the views of cultural scholars (and...
...jailing them for writing and speaking), what is being disregarded is the views of skilled health professionals. This is a war on education and expertise and it is being waged by idiots. From being a nation that aspires to be the skill capital of the world, we have become a...
...nation where members of the government sell cow dung as a solution for radiation sickness and a nation where cancer is cured by cows. I have written in the past about Indian society's cultural bias against the Humanities. But the roots of that bias - the unwillingness to...
...value expertise - is now spilling over into Sciences as well. Now, this will not bother the doctors and engineers who send you WhatsApp forwards about how Hindus had telecommunication tech and aeronautics in 50,000 BC. But if you are someone who values Science for the...
...right reasons, you should be deeply worried about this country. Those who hate education are not going to stop with one area of expertise. Their eventual aim is going to be reducing everyone to their level of illiteracy. Nothing short of an idiocracy is going to satisfy them.
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