What really worries me isn’t the sinking to new lows, but that there are people who want exactly this ... and that the Govt may well want to continue to play to their views. This isn’t just jingoistic posturing anymore, it’s genuinely dangerous now and could escalate to worse.
But most people in the UK have still not understood (1) how much of a change there will be from 1 Jan and (2) the profound damage that has already been done. And make no mistake, this isn’t just a question about the EU: from the US to countries like Australia, it isn’t just ...
... just incredulity anymore, but genuine disgust at the UK’s behaviour. In a few weeks the UK will be much poorer and isolated. And everyone will find out what it really means when policy is based on lies. There is nothing sunlit about the Brexit future that awaits us all.
Still: to speak of using gunboats in a context such as this; in a Europe that has lived in peace for decades ... there really aren’t the right words left. I’ve been concerned for a long time, but it is clear now that there really is no path they’re not prepared to go down, no ...
... matter how much further it destroys the UK’s reputation. I have no idea anymore where this might and, but it won’t be good. And if this escalates further it will sour relations for decades and the UK will be the cause of instability in Europe for a long time. /end
.... *might end
PS: This isn't about the small number of boats and how they'd stand no chance. The point is how such deluded posturing is doing even more serious damage to relations etc. That damage is very, very real.
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