Hi semua🥰So, shen attend webinar pasal mental health today and nak share sedikit harini pasal mental health! 😃Mesti korang banyak dgr pasal mental health but do you know what mental health means?🤔[DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL]

Jom baca thread shen!📖 #ShenShare
In my POV, mental health is yr emotional, psychological, and social well-being.🌸It's the main part of yourself. It is how you handle your stress, how you make daily choices, how you react to others. Mental health is very important no matter the age, gender, or background. ☺️
Everyone experiences mental health problems, there isn't a single person who hasn't had stress in their lives right?🙍‍♂️Stress from school (e.g. too much work📚📚📚), parents (e.g high expectations👨‍🎓👩‍🔬) & so on.

Most people look or say it is 'gila (crazy)'😿 cont-
and some answered that they have to hide their emotions and most people call boys who show their emotions are 'weak'.💔 It is absolutely none of that. Everything you're feeling is valid, okay?💛 I feel so sad when some people say that they can't channel their emotions. 😿🌧️
Now, let me give you a situation to help you understand better!🤓
E.g your best friend forgot to wish you a happy birthday😭 How will you cope with this situation?😟

A normal person would communicate their feelings and would make amends (apologize,talk) to their best friend BUT-
-a person with mental health problems would immediately STOP🛑 talking to their best friend because of this issue.🙁

See the difference?🥺 So, ask yourself, which are you? 🤔
There are LOTS of factors that contribute to mental health problems...👩‍🏫🧠

📌Family History
📌Brain chemistry
📌Abuse (physical or mental)
& more...

Each person comes from a different environment, I'd also like to add that your childhood definitely shapes a person.
- [based on experience] bcs as I grow, I have the need to satisfy my parents/family based on my academic performance and being obedient. So whatever I do, I MUST excel so that I don't end up like them. That's what they told me for years.
How to determine whether a person has mental health problems? They have/are...

📌Eating disorder (bulimia, anorexia, etc)
📌No energy
📌Feeling hopeless
📌Turn to drugs & alcohol
📌Being aggressive
📌Overthinking about past/future
📌Thinking of harming yourself
& more 🥺
Yes, some people think this way and make these decisions as they can't cope with their mental health issues. However, today, how can we know whether the person is dealing with his/her have mental health problems? 🥺💔
Most of us go through our lives knowing we have mental health issues but we hide in society by hiding our emotions, finish our daily tasks, go to work, etc. It's just sad, really.😭 But what we are feeling is different daily and every moment tau. It is not permanent🙌
Now let's move on to positive mental health!😄

A person with positive mental health is able to;
📌realize their potential
📌cope with the stresses of life (daily)
📌work productively
📌are in the present (they do not think about their past or worry about the future)
These are signs that a person is healthy in terms of their mental health.🤗 You're able to make decisions 🤩, deal with your stresses👏, and you are in the present! 🌟
Let's move on to statistics, shall we? 😇 According to the latest National Health and Morbidity Survey 📊, every three (3) in 10 adults aged 16 years and above in Malaysia suffer from some form of mental health issues. 😭😟
Imagine you're with 10 of your friends and 3 of them have mental health issues.😥Isn't that worrying? Don't you want to help them overcome this?🥺 If me, I will help as much as I can. Tapi you should know that each person is different. They might not cope well as you do, okay?🤗
-So bear with them and be with them as much as you can. 🫂💛 Understand them and listen to their thoughts. 💭


Stay tuned for #ShenShare 🥳Love you & Stay safe!💞
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