(1/6) Ever wonder why white American liberals who go childless in order to “save the planet” don't seem to mind immigration from non-white nations with high fertility rates?

It's because they are perhaps the only group in human history...
(2/6) ... who has warmer feelings toward other racial groups than their own group. So, if there are going to be any children being born in the US, they would prefer that they not be white. They like non-white people more than white people.
(3/6) But they don't really have a lot of actual friendships with people from other racial groups (see graph). Their fondness for non-whites results from distance not closeness — from dreamy romanticization of a “diverse society” and "people of color."
(4/6) In fact, as you can see from the graph, white liberals have fewer close black friends than white conservatives or moderates.

Perhaps this is because when they do interact with blacks the interactions tend to be more artificial, weighted with unnecessary psychic baggage.
(5/6) Or maybe there's something more sinister, more repressed, fueling the white American liberal's inability to easily form friendships with black people. https://twitter.com/a_centrism/status/1177837227356966912
(6/6) The US certainly is a strange country — the groups which have the most black friends are called “racists” but the one which has the fewest calls itself “anti-racist.”

And the only overt bigotry that the “anti-racists” seem to exhibit is toward their own group.
(POST-SCRIPT) The bar graphs used in this thread were created by @ZachG932.
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