In Jan 2011, the Navajo Nation Council changed its membership from 88 council delegates to 24.

In 2013, stats from the 2010 US Census placed the total population at 332,129.

Behold: A Dec 2020 screenshot from the American Indian Resource Center at the University of Utah website
In that first section, it highlights that this association "raises tribal visibility and community awareness and generates a source of pride to members of the Ute Indian Tribe."

I don't dispute the last part, but I wonder about the visibility and awareness part.
In the 2nd section, the Ute Tribe and the U want to foster "a respectful and informed understanding of the Ute Indian Tribe" and other American Indians.

That sounds pretty cool. So I should be able to find that pretty easily on the U's website, right?
Well, absolutely I should, because in the 3rd section it's like, 'let's do an education campaign about Ute history and put it on University webpages'

So join me on the homepage of the university. I'm sure it's all there, front and center & easy to find: 
Wait, what's this thing at the very bottom of the page?
"Ute Proud"...what's that? Could that be it?
Yes! This looks like it! Sweet! Now let me learn all about Ute history. There's so much I don't know...
Wait, that's it? One paragraph??
Hmmm, and right next to it is another out-of-date text, citing the MOU from 2014...but the most recent one was in March 2020...8 months ago.
Maybe this one-minute video will explain Ute history below the paragraph "History of the Ute Tribe?"

Okay, let's try the menu at the top.

Now this looks promising! It says "Ute History"
No...this doesn't look like it either. The first three paragraphs and the question aren't it...
Okay, there it is. Ute history is...three paragraphs.


From the flagship university using the Ute name.
Ooh, this looks promising! A link to the American Indian Resource Center and two links to scholarships! That's probably really helpful and informative.

Wait for it...
Crap. Both links to the tribal scholarships just lead me to the "American West Center" and I can't find anything about these scholarships anywhere on that webpage.
Okay, maybe they're on the AIRC website...
Nope. Not there either.
Maybe in the menu again? Ah yes! Scholarships! *click*
No, nothing there either about the tribal scholarships.
This is the same page I started on with the out-of-date info.
Well, let's go back and see that education campaign again about "Widely disseminating Standards for Appropriate behavior..."

And here it is:
Okay, that's a start...but any links that can explain WHY someone should "Refrain, Avoid, Respect, & Cheer on our team?"

Seems like a trend here: nope.
Back to the MOU, it looks like the U will dedicate $100,000 "to support and enhance Tribal educational programs and opportunities" and $10,000 "in legal fees seeking such trademark registrations" re: Ute Proud logo.
I'm sure there's probably more funding going to the tribe with the licensing and merch, but there's no number there in the MOU.
I don't know all the details of how this is supposed to work out, but if one of my students were to submit this as their evidence for the claims they're making, I would be disappointed.
For something so important to the university, its identity, it seems like it's merely paying lip service to the MOU -- at least from the analysis of the website.
And this amidst national calls to retire Native American mascots.

There is NOTHING in there about the peer-reviewed studies about the negative and harmful effects these symbols have on Native students.
IMHO, this isn't respectful or honorable. It seems like a business transaction that mostly benefits the university. And for the 200 Native students attending (not 200 Ute students...200 Native students from all tribes), I wonder how this affects them?
I respect the Ute Tribe's inherent tribal sovereignty to make these arrangements. That's absolutely within their power to do so.

But me just as a race-conscious American, I think the University of Utah should start seriously reconsidering this arrangement.
At the very least, update the website, embrace the Native, use up-to-date information, and make it simpler for Native students to find those scholarships. With the $$$ they make from using the Native imagery, all 200 of them should have school paid in full.
I don't pretend to know all what goes on with this arrangement, but again, just looking at the website, it doesn't look too great.
And finally, every time Natives try to retire Native mascots around the country (around 2,100 schools), it makes it that much harder when they say "Well, look at the U."

It is different because of the MOU and tribal sovereignty, but everyday people don't know that.
At least I'm comforted by the fact that I now know from the Ute history on the state's flagship university that the "Ute are a proud and fearless people."
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