So, longcovid occurs in at least 30% of cases. We know this.

One common post-viral outcome is chronic fatigue.

Encephalitis lethargica epidemics erupted in the wakes of the 1889 Russian Flu and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemics.
Chronic fatigue is a very, very likely outcome of surviving covid.

And, check this out.

It is more likely to affect minority ethnic groups.

It affects 4x more women than men.
Longcovid is guaranteed to affect women far more, and more harshly, than it does men.

Many, many more female survivors of covid will leave the workforce for possible years, compared to men.
The encephalitis lethargica epidemics in the wake of the 1889 and 1918 flu pandemics were an especially debilitating postviral syndrome caused by the especially high, prolonged, neurologically damaging fevers those pandemics induced.
Post-viral disabilities are devastating, and last for far longer than the initial outbreak. For each death, many more survive with possibly permanent disability.
We know longcovid exists, and we know the postviral fatigue part of it will affect primarily women, particulary BIPOC women.
When you see a daily death rate of 3,000/day, bear in mind that for each death, there's 30 people who'll survive but with persistent health issues.

90,000 people left with postviral chronic illness, perhaps permanent.

And, almost all of them will be women.
Already, anecdotally, you can see this.

Think of the last several articles or tweets you saw of a covid survivor talking about lingering health issues.

It was a woman, wasn't it?
In the wake of covid will be millions of people left with chronic health issues of various kinds.

The post-viral chronic fatigue will almost certainly hit women harder, and Black women hardest.

Bear in mind, 1 out of every 1,000 Black americans has died of covid.
Bear in mind, longcovid survivors are going the people least well served by the US healthcare system, who already faced significant hurdles accessing or affording diagnosis, let alone treatment.
Basically: not *only* has covid killed 1 out of 1,000 Black americans, but it has almost certainly already ensured many times more will long-term life-wrecking health issues
And, those most affected will be Black women.
To advocate for anything less than full universal healthcare, knowing this, is full on complicity in genocide. Literally.
A. The US's disastrous clusterfuck of a covid response has killed 1 out of 1,000 Black americans
B. Same as above.
C. Same as above.
E. What do you think will happen to Black children whose parents are disabled and unable to work?
You can, and should, attribute some of that to gendered expectations of childcare, etc.

But, odds are, a lot of that is because 4x more women than men who survived covid have post-viral chronic fatigue.
What are the odds that many of these women are part of the 4.7 million or so covid survivors with postviral health issues?
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