Lots of writers get caught up in what I call, "giving stage directions." The protag does this, looks here, makes a face, interspersed w/dialog, joined by character B who sounds like x, add dialog, back to protag. Needed yes, but don't forget the emotion in narration #writetip.
What I'm saying here is it's obviously important to place your characters in different scenes & interact but the emotional connection a reader has to them is more important & left out too often in favor of showing location or a identifying character via action beats.
Action beats can be used to show emotion (ie, for a suspect being questioned by police: sweat drips down his forehead). But its like eating lettuce when your a wolf. Narration delivers MEATY, info/facts to the reader about the plot & characters, but with EMOTIONAL weight.
The voice you use is the way you stack the words (all the narration, the action beats, the dialog). You set a mood and tone with those words w/ an eye to what I consider the most important part of storytelling: invoking strong emotions in your reader, WHATEVER those might.
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