The Australien Government wasn't allowed to speak at the latest Climate Summit – so it made an ad about its climate policy instead, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

Produced by Patrons of the Juice Media
This is a special double-length Honest Government Ad, featuring our first ever time-travel sequence because there's just so much shitfuckery to cover ✨
Thank you @RichieMerzian (and others who shall not be named) for helping me get my head around this gordian knot of a story, and to make sure graphs and figures are correct. Any errors are of course my own - and the government's
Also a shout-out to @simonahac who first explained this story to me in January, when he came on the Juice Media Podcast. I couldn't believe my ears, but I knew right away we had to make an HGA about it so that people could get their head around it more easily.
But then of course Covid happened, and then the US election, so I had to put this script on hold. I'm glad we've managed to round off the year with the video I planned to make in March - which is just so 2020
Man, @CliveCHamilton and the @TheAusInstitute were onto this bullshit right from the start: check out this media release from 1998 I came across whilst doing my research for this video. Respect
And Tim Baxter has gone beast-mode in making graphs to help people visually the shitfuckery too and this thread is a gold mine:
So the way I saw this was: OK, people have written about itm but we need a compressed explainer that brutally (but accurately) synthesizes the complexity of this story down to a nugget of shitfuckery people can get their head around. Which ofc is what satire is so good at
Big shout-out to @yahtzio who stayed up late with me on more than one night to help out with visual effects 🙏

And to Ellen, Zoë & Lucy for putting such a lot of hard work into this episode, even re-shooting scenes when we realised we had to update the video.

Amazing team 💁‍♀️💛
And most importantly... THANK YOU to all our Patrons who make it possible for us not just keep making Honest Government Ads, but to make them bigger and better so we can explore more complex issues like this.

If you value what we do, please join them:
Damn, almost forgot - huge thanks to @drkylieharris for her research assistance on this HGA, and on many of our other videos relating to the climate emergency this year. Thanks Kylie, glad to get this one out finally! 💛🙏
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