Tw: autism

A thread on autism why autistic people must be treated kindly
This, in no way, serves to disrespect the community, as someone autistic, I just wish to spread awareness about autism and it's effects- exactly what makes lives extra difficult for autistic people.
To begin with, autistic people, are in no way, abnormal, or weird. They are just like any other human being in existence. I'll try and discuss exactly what makes it difficult for them to go around their daily lives.
First off, what is Autism?
It has been stereotyped and preached that autistic people experience severe communication issues and trouble in understanding emotions and thoughts of other people. However, that is not always the case.
I consider myself fortunate to be in the half which can successfully communicate well and understand the emotions, thoughts and feelings of other people, quite empathetically.
Let's talk about the basic symptoms of autism usually found in children ( typically 2y/o: that's the age when the child starts to display symptoms but some go undiagnosed, specially those residing in countries where mental health knowledge is nil or negligible and/or is rising)
Its not necessary that all the symptoms will be shown by the child, but most would match with their behaviour, if not all. I personally showed 6 of the symptoms listed above.
And I didn't get diagnosed as a kid. Its during my adult years that it was discovered in me.
Now, the different types of autism. Previously ,the spectrum has three subcategories, now it's all under a more diverse list called the DSM-5
Autism in adults: symptoms of autism in adults who went undiagnosed in their early years of life- all of these helped me to understand my condition better
It is a fact that males have a higher chance of being autistic in comparison to females, however, it's a general belief/presumption that the reason behind the same could be the fact that autism in females differs from that in males which makes it harder for them to get diagnosed
How and why it is different for autistic females, specially those who discover it later in their lives, via self/professional diagnosis
There is no distinct cause of autism which makes it....worse.
The pros and cons of being autistic
(Completely based on my experience so it might or might not differ from the experiences of other neurodivergent people)
I hope this gives an idea how things are difficult for autistic people.
This video right here explains it well too
Lastly, I'd like to add this :)
I hope this thread is useful and informative as a whole, and I hope it brings to light how autistic people aren't really abnormal, just quite different in understanding and perceiving.
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