The thing is — no politician or public official is going to save us. I get it though, I’ve been so wrapped up in the theatre of it all too. You can’t lie, it’s fun to talk about and gossip about them. Participating as a spectator is fun even if it makes you angry.
With Bernie, we had actual hope and I think that was different. But politicians aren’t worth our time or energy. At least not our support. They only deserve our ruthless scrutiny. The system is working how it should — against our class interests.
We have to zoom way in and focus on communities and individuals that need the help directly.
Idk it’s been a hard pill for me to swallow but I think it’s the right path imo. I won’t judge you for continuing to support and have hope with the Squad but I just don’t.
We need to shift the locus of control from external authority and look inward to what we can provide each other.
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