One really ghoulish thing about the pandemic has been the haughty arrogance of those who insist we are in this situation because selfish idiots refuse to listen to them. I see it all day every day on here.

But we’ve had 9 months of lockdowns and mask compliance is at 93%. 🥴
They want to blame someone so badly that they’re willing to abandon all rationality to do so. It is not their own behavior or even chance that causes someone to be exposed to coronavirus. It’s nefarious, selfish motivations, of course!

I’d say 90% of those I know who have gotten COVID have been exceedingly careful. Some very rarely leave their homes, if ever. ALL of them mask consistently. Some have even been medical professionals not even treating COVID patients who are in masks 10+ hours a day anyway!
That’s not to say we can’t play an important part in mitigation! Things would be a LOT worse if we hadn’t been doing that. But I’d say most of the country is doing its absolute best, and I’m sick of seeing lectures from people who think they’re the only ones serious about COVID.
Shut up and listen!!!1!1!1! This is serious, you troglodytes!1!!1!1 Wear your mask and social distance and pay to shut down all businesses and this thing would be over in two weeks1!1!!1! But you’re not smart enough to do that so you are MAKING PEOPLE DIE1!!1!1

Let me be clear: NO ONE WANTS PEOPLE TO DIE. People are doing their best. There isn’t broad proof people are being deliberately dangerous and selfish to make some kind of weird point, as much as you might want to blame others for the hardship while patting yourself on the back.
This sucks. It’s hard. We didn’t think it would last this long, and neither did the rest of the world! Very few countries have been spared this suffering.

It’s not on you to save the world with your COVID IS SERIOUS lecture. We know! You’re a lot more useful being kind!
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