you don't want movies in the spiderverse animation style!! you want movies that treat animation in the same way spiderverse did, as a medium that can be changed to best suit the stories they're adapting!!!
itsv worked not just bc they had funky animation, but bc the animation style was made to serve the story of spiderverse and miles. because the comics/graphics/graffiti style is specifically for spiderman/miles/his story and i don't think that exact style works for everything!
e.g. animated hawkeye not with the spiderverse style, but with the same style and colour treatment as fraction's iconic run!! tuc with animation that specifically uses hard lines vs round shapes or dull vs bright to emphasise the themes of duality and dreams!!!
the same way wolfwalkers mimics the style of fairytale illustrations and old art prints and tapestries because it's a fairytale story!!! it's abt the treatment of animation styles as a medium rather than just superimposing one style onto another :')
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