Democracy, or America's version of it, is fragile.
All 50 states have certified the results of the 2020 election.

But Trump and 126 Republican Representatives attempted to overturn those results, subverting democracy and reinstall him as President by throwing out the votes for GA, PA, MI and WI.

Remember their names:
Rep. Gary Palmer
Rep. Mo Brooks
Rep. Bradley Byrne
Rep. Robert Aderholt
Rep. Mike Rogers
Rep. Andy Biggs
Rep. Debbie Lesko
Rep. Bruce Westerman
Rep. Rick Crawford
Rep. Ken Calvert
Rep. Doug LaMalfa
Rep. Tom McClintock
Rep. Kevin McCarthy
Rep. Doug Lamborn
Rep. Ken Buck
Rep. Gus Bilirakis
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
Rep. Neal P. Dunn
Rep. John Rutherford
Rep. Ross Spano
Rep. Michael Waltz
Rep. Daniel Webster
Rep. Ted S. Yoho
Rep. Bill Posey
Rep. W. Gregory Steube
Rep. Barry Loudermilk
Rep. Jody Hice
Rep. Doug Collins
Rep. Austin Scott
Rep. Drew Ferguson
Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter
Rep. Rick W. Allen
Rep. Mike Simpson
Rep. Russ Fulcher
Rep. Mike Bost
Rep. Darin LaHood
Rep. Jackie Walorski
Rep. Greg Pence
Rep. Trey Hollingsworth
Rep. Jim Banks
Rep. James R. Baird
Rep. Steve King
Rep. Roger Marshall
Rep. Ron Estes
Rep. Clay Higgins
Rep. Ralph Abraham
Rep. Steve Scalise
Rep. Mike Johnson
Rep. Andy Harris
Rep. Tim Walberg
Rep. John Moolenaar
Rep. Bill Huizenga
Rep. Jack Bergman
Rep. Tom Emmer
Rep. Jim Hagedorn
Rep. Pete Stauber
Rep. Steven Palazzo
Rep. Trent Kelly
Rep. Michael Guest
Rep. Sam Graves
Rep. Vicky Hartzler
Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer
Rep. Jason Smith
Rep. Ann Wagner
Rep. Billy Long
Rep. Greg Gianforte
Rep. Jeff Fortenberry
Rep. Adrian Smith
New Jersey:
Rep. Jeff Van Drew
New York:
Rep. Lee Zeldin
Rep. Elise Stefanik
North Carolina:
Rep. Dan Bishop
Rep. Ted Budd
Rep. Virginia Foxx
Rep. Richard Hudson
Rep. Gregory Murphy
Rep. David Rouzer
Rep. Mark Walker
Rep. Brad Wenstrup
Rep. Robert E. Latta
Rep. Bill Johnson
Rep. Bob Gibbs
Rep. Jim Jordan
Rep. Kevin Hern
Rep. Markwayne Mullin
Rep. John Joyce
Rep. Fred Keller
Rep. Mike Kelly
Rep. Dan Meuser
Rep. Scott Perry
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler
Rep. Glenn Thompson
South Carolina:
Rep. Jeff Duncan
Rep. Ralph Norman
Rep. Tom Rice
Rep. William Timmons
Rep. Joe Wilson
Rep. Tim Burchett
Rep. Chuck Fleischmann
Rep. Mark Green
Rep. David Kustoff
Rep. John Rose
Rep. Scott DesJarlais
Rep. Brian Babin
Rep. Jodey Arrington
Rep. Ron Wright
Rep. Roger Williams
Rep. Randy Weber
Rep. Kenny Marchant
Rep. Lance Gooden
Rep. Louie Gohmert
Rep. Bill Flores
Rep. Dan Crenshaw
Rep. Mike Conaway
Rep. Michael Cloud
Rep. Michael C. Burgess
Rep. Kevin Brady
Rep. Ben Cline
Rep. Rob Wittman
Rep. Morgan Griffith
Rep. Dan Newhouse
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers
West Virginia:
Rep. Carol D. Miller
Rep. Alex X. Mooney
Rep. Tom Tiffany
126. Traitors to Democracy.
Do not let these names slip into anonymity.
Realize how close we came to an autocracy.
If you see a state you live in, remember your representative, remember this cowardly act.

Midterm elections are Tuesday, November 8, 2022. All House seats are up.
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