Attention MAGA faithful ... your king, @realDonaldTrump, has only been tolerated by Republicans because he has what Grover Norquist in 2012 called "enough working digits" to sign tax cuts for the super-rich, deregulation for polluters, and to nominate Federalist Society judges.
So it should come as no surprise to you all that the Supreme Court justices Mitch snatched up like a constant Grinchly Christmas? They don't work for Trump. They work for their real bosses... the Federalist Society and you guessed it ... the super rich.
Trump is likely to continue putting on his "overthrow the government" show for you guys ... but you should know that that's just because he's terrified of being prosecuted and also to get you to give him money. Don't say you weren't warned!
And all that your 126 Republican legislators at the federal level and your anti-voting state AGs will have accomplished will have been to subvert our democracy, destroy their own legacies and likely foment violence, and you'll take some of the blame for that. It's a catastrophe.
And all for literally nothing. Nothing but mass viral death in numbers equivalent to World War II, Cancer and Heart Disease, economic misery on a Great Depression-like scale, global humiliation and the collapse of a once great political party into a white nationalist mess.
You can follow @JoyAnnReid.
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