Superheroes are really different from myths in a lot of ways. Also the MCU is the most successful media juggernaut in explored space; the defensiveness seems silly. You won!
Myths were generally about human limitations; superhero stories are about how humans can do anything. Stories post death of fox look really different.
And obviously capitalist production is pretty different than oral story telling traditions
But there is a huge and growing body of academic work on superhero films. Lots of ppl take them seriously!
And lots of superhero films are bad and rote, is the truth. But lots of art is that.
Also myths are not that great often! A lot of them are about how women who don’t let powerful men rape them deserve punishment, or about how challenging authority in any way is bad.
They can be fun and weird too, but we shouldn’t just blanket accept any story as uncriticizable, IMO.
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